SEAWATCH Indonesia


Oceanor's Buoy



Welcome to SEAWATCH Indonesia homepage. This homepage containt informations about SEAWATCH Indonesia, an activity unit in BPPT (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) under the Directorate for Environmental Technology

For further information please contact:

SEAWATCH Indonesia Program
Directorate for Environmental Technology Agency for the Assessment & Application of Technology (BPPT)
BPPT 2nd Building 21st Floor

Jl. M.H. Thamrin 8 Jakarta 10340 INDONESIA
Tel. 62-21-3926634 Fax. 62-21-3926632

From Webmaster (with Love)....
If you have news, events, papers etc. and want to published via this homepage, please send the manuscript to webmaster

BPPT Building


Events !


Gulf of Thailand Mailing List, Thursday 18 May 2000
APN Calls for Proposal 2000 !
Reporter : Webmaster

The Asia-Pacific Network for Global Research (APN) is inviting proposals for funding beginning in April 2001 and is able to provide a limited amount of financial support (normally up to US$ 100,000 per project per annum) for research and workshop activities that fall within its areas of interest. more details information can be seen at APN homepage

Oceanspace Issue 238, Thursday 18 May 2000
Carbon Levels "Threaten Coral"
Reporter : Webmaster

Researchers in the US suspect rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere could reduce coral growth by almost half. The researchers, from Columbia University, are investigating the impact of changing seawater chemistry on coral reef calcification rates. 
[complete news]


Jakarta, 2 Juni 2000
Masalah Penyewaan Pulau, Antara Pro dan Kontra
Reporter: Webmaster, dirangkum dari berbagai sumber

Ide penyewaan pulau-pulau kecil yang dilontarkan oleh Departemen Eksplorasi Kelautan mendapatkan sambutan yang hangat, antara pro dan kontra. Komentar dan tanggapan datang dari berbagai kalangan, baik politikus, akademisi, TNI, pengamat hingga pengusaha. Berikut saya rangkumkan beberapa tanggapan dan komentar tersebut yang pernah dimuat dibeberapa media massa



Sekretariat MTF 2000, Jumat 2 Juni 2000 
Marine Techno & Fisheries 2000
Reporter : Humas MTF 2000

SEAWATCH Indonesia-BPPT bekerjasama dengan HIMITEKA-IPB, didukung oleh Kantor Menteri Negara Riset dan Teknologi dan Departemen Eksplorasi Laut dan Perikanan RI,  akan menyelenggarakan rangkaian kegiatan Marine Techno and Fisheries 2000 yang terdiri dari Pameran (7-10 Agustus 2000), Seminar Nasional dan Talk Show (8-9 Agustus 2000), Pelatihan (21-25 Agustus 2000) dan Kemah Riset Kelautan Nasional (25 Agustus -1 September 2000).
Rencananya kegiatan ini akan dibuka oleh Wakil Presiden RI, Ibu Megawati Soekarnoputri, pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2000 di Auditorium BPPT Jl. M.H. Thamrin 8 Jakarta. Informasi lengkap dapat dibaca di 


Indonesian Coral Reef Condition
(Source: P3O-LIPI, 1997)

Location Amount of Places Very Good Good Fair Bad
West Part 129 2 19 33 75
East Part 195 19 54 59 63
Amount 324 21 73 92 138
Percentage   6.48 22.53 28.39 42.59

So, saves the coral reef for next generations right now! 

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This homepage was last modified on July 14, 2000
Copyright ©1999-2000
SEAWATCH Indonesia